Association de Formation Médicale Continue - Formation et Informations Médicales - ---------au service des professionnels de santé et de la santé ------------ depuis 1974
Results of a meta-analysis regrouping 57 prospective studies including 894, 576 participants recruited at the mean age of 46 years: mortality was lowest when BMI was at about 22•5—25 kg/m2. Each 5 kg/m2 higher BMI was on average associated with about 30% higher overall mortality. At 30—35 kg/m2, median survival is reduced by 2—4 years. At 40—45 kg/m2, it is reduced by 8—10 years.
Peto, Whitlock & Coll., Lancet, 18 mars 2009 ; prépublication en ligne.